Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Other Blog

Today, I point you in the direction of a Jewish resource that's really something you have to experience to understand, see to believe - my other blog.

This is not just a cop-out, because my latest post about "Jewishness and Goyishness" is incredibly valuable for all Jews, Jews from around the world, even those in sub-Saharan Africa and Laos. It's a discussion we should be having more regularly. The only reason it's not a post on this site is because it doesn't deal strictly with something that's good/bad for the Jews. Therefore, as a good Jew would do, I found a loophole in the structure of this site which has made it possible for me to advertise my other blog without sacrificing the integrity of what I do on this one.

In this sense, at least for today, MY OTHER BLOG is GOOD for the Jews. Usually though, it might be considered a toss-up.

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